Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore International Politics Any Longer

International Politics is No Longer an Option to Ignore

When we go about our daily lives, politics may be the last thing on our minds. It’s easy to believe that what happens in other countries has little effect on our own well-being. However, this type of thinking is quite far from the truth. Every decision made by governments around the world has an impact not only on the citizens of that country but also on the global community as a whole.

In our quickly changing world, international politics can no longer be ignored. Here are a few reasons why paying attention to what’s happening around the world is so critical.


Globalization has tremendously impacted our lives. We can buy products from all over the world with just a few clicks, connect with anyone around the globe via social media within seconds, and travel to far-off lands in just a matter of hours. With these newfound abilities come inevitable consequences.

The economy is one of the most impacted areas of globalization. With the rise of global supply chains, a decision made by one country’s government affects its supply chain partners across the world. This ripple effect can lead to potential job losses or other downstream impacts on the economy.

Additionally, globalization means that outbreaks, trade wars, and other events no longer stay isolated to a single region. For example, the 2020 pandemic that started in Wuhan, China, quickly spread around the world, causing deaths and economic devastation on a global scale.

Environmental Issues

Another area where international politics play a significant role is the environment. The topic of climate change has dominated the political landscape in recent years, with many countries coming together to tackle the issue.

The Paris Agreement is a prime example of how international politics can address environmental issues. 196 countries came together to create an agreement to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Without cooperation and agreement among individual nations, climate change will continue to go unchecked.

Reasons like this show why everyone needs to care about international politics. If one country continues to engage in reckless practices, the entire world will suffer the consequences.


Nations across the world continue to experience conflicts every year, and the consequences for these disputes go beyond borders. Conflicts involving refugees like the Syrian conflict have brought significant societal consequences to Europe and beyond.

Other conflicts like the Kashmir dispute have caused tension in South Asia, leading to destabilization and distrust among nations. The world is one big, interconnected whole, and actions taken in one place may have consequences in others.

Disruption of Borders

In our modern, interconnected world, borders between nations are becoming less and less relevant. This is also true in the online world. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are not country-specific, so their members can easily voice their viewpoints globally.

This access to information has definitively changed the game in international politics. In the past, information collected and disseminated by governments and politicians was tightly controlled. Today, a single tweet from an anonymous user can have significant implications for international relations.

Tips to Stay Informed on Global Affairs

To break down the key issues and stay up to date with international politics, some tips include:

• Subscribe to different news outlets from across the world
• Follow reliable news organizations with international coverage
• Read the news on social media and find reputable sources to back up what you read
• Engage with people from other cultures and learn about news and developments in their countries
• Further develop your historical knowledge regarding different countries and their political dynamics, as events can tie into longstanding issues

In Conclusion

There’s no denying that global politics can be overwhelming and complex. With the many issues and problems people face today, it can be tempting to live in our little worlds and ignore what’s happening beyond our borders. But this type of thinking is short-sighted.

The world is much more interconnected than ever before, and the decisions that people make have global effects. By ignoring what’s happening on the other side of the world, we put ourselves in danger of being blindsided by any number of issues.

By staying informed and engaging with what’s happening globally, we can best prepare ourselves to navigate this rapidly changing world. It’s only through active engagement and understanding that we can prevent the growing dangers that come with ignorance about political affairs.






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